a shark suddenly appeared just under my legs – we did the awkward "no you go left/right dance"

MANTAS  MANTAS MANTAS!!! We had such an amazing and intimate experience with not1, not 2, but 4 mantas!!!!  They were gracious and graceful. Swimming from diver to diver to play in their bubbles and show off their spots.   Lucky us, we even got to see an all black one- the first one that I have ever seen!
A shark suddenly appeared just under my legs (about 2 feet), pretty awesome/cool, and later I turned a corner while a shark was turning from the other side in the corner, and we did the awkward “no you go left/right dance,”
Super cool to be in the water with curious silkie sharks.  Everyone escapes with all body parts in tact so I would have to call it a successful snorkel.
Vicky USA.
I have never been that close to such a large shark! There was up to 5 around me all at once! Incredible!!
They were even bumping into me, it was crazy!! I love silky sharks!!
A great wall dive then a Manta stayed with us to the safety stop.  Usally I’m bored on the safety stops, not today!

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