Fishing and going ashore at San Benedicto (Socorro) Island

OK. Seriously?? What the h*ll kind of example are these parents setting for their kids out at San Benedicto. The video pasted in below was clearly taken on shore at Isla San Benedicto. It is super cool to see the lava flows  up close and to be able to walk between them. Fascinating to see the flora and fauna up close. But the reason that we have never once in all years of operating out at Socorro Island ever gone ashore and experienced this ourselves is because it is strictly illegal!  Verboten. Not allowed. Harmful. What’s worse is the scene in which they hook a poor silky shark who was presumably doing with silky sharks do when he suddenly hooked, hauled out of the water and manhandled by the Dad and kids.  At least the allowed the poor ‘ol shark to break free and wriggle across the deck back into the water.
As Siskel and Ebert used to say: thumbs up for fascinating footage of an island that we will never be able to go ashore on. Big thumbs down for irresponsible behaviour.

By Nautilus Staff

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