Feeding mantas and Humpbacks

Location: Punta Tosca , Socorro Island, Revillagigedos, Baja California, Mexico

We came out on the lava flow and on the first scuba dive we got a few hammerhead sharks.  I got a single humpback whale swimming over our head and by the time as I reached the first and closest diver it was gone!! Cr*p!!!  On the dive site we had 3 different giant pacific mantas on 3 different location. One was just a small 2.5 m wide chevron manta ray. She had a bit of the wing bitten off by a shark. It is not often that we see the mantas here with scars from sharks , even if we have lots of sharks here. The tails are often bitten of and I have seen a silky shark trying to take a bite of one manta but that manta ray just took of in a flash and left the shark behind. In Mozambique it is said that 60 % of the sharks are having scars from sharks, even in the Maldives which is not as sharky i just to see often scars of sharkbites, why not here I dont know…

We continued all the dives out on the outside finger. The third dive was great!!  We had giant mantas all the time and as well hammerhead sharks and in to the end of the dive we had all 5 manta rays making a rolling ballet feeding at  the surface. There was a lot of food in the water today, but the viz was still good.

We got a lot of  humpback whales around us .Lots of singing and our whale watcing trip was a success for some of our guest when they managed to glide in to the water in snorkelling gear with a mother and calf passing by.

A good day!! And this place was just totally uneventful last trip. That’s big animal diving!  You never which of the 3 islands is going to be the super hot one on each different trip.  Divemaster Sten.

Weather: Surface condition 30 C 4ft swell outside, calm in our anchorage.. Sunny

Water: Underwater condition. 25 C 75F. 20 m viz, mild current.

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