We activated our tsunami action plan this morning after the earthquake in Chile. The ship halted dive operations and stayed in deep water > 200 metres until the tsunami passed through the area per the recommendation of NOAA. No discernible tsunami effect was felt or detected on the Nautilus Explorer and we have recommenced normal diving operations.. Interesting times. Guest blog following. 27 FEB 2010.

Before this trip, I have only seen giant manta from the distance and very shy. Now I know that they like to play, seem to be ticklish from our air bubbles and enjoy our company. You feel like being their entertainment, not the other way round. In africa you go on a safari and watch the “big five”. At Socorro and San Benedicto Island, the big five are the whales, giant mantas, hammerhead sharks, silkies and dolphins and  we keep seeing them all. Great trip.
Close encounter with the hammerhead scouts, turning everywhere around us, almost in touching distance and than ten minutes later – THE WALL!!! Loads of Hammers passing by in the blue! Later on at the the Boiler: Dancing with Mantas to the sound of humpback songs… An average day at the Revillagigedos 😉
Lachsi, Silki, Maski (Los tres uoevos suizos)
Jan: Flooding your camera is not that bad if you do it in front of 50 hammerheads!!
Thierry: Ce matin, nous sommes alles nous reveiller “au milieu” des marteaux. Une bonne dizaine de ces grands animaux sont venus vraiment au raz de l’a-pic sur lequel nous attendions gentiment ! La 3eme plongee de la journee nous conduit une fois encore a nager avec les raies mantas. 3 puis 5 sont venus nous rendre visite et bien que timides, elles se sont tout de meme laissees caresser… La derniere plongee de la journee a eu lieu dans le jacuzzi pour ma part.
C’etait une journee riche en rencontres sous-marines, dommage que les baleines soient restees juste en dehors de notre portee. Elles n’ont fait que sauter autour du bateau et ont chante pendant notre 3eme plongee , de meme pour les dauphins, qui sont venus jouer a l’arriere du bateau quand nous mangions. Pour couronner le tout, nombre d’appareils photos ont ete noyes, y compris le mien… Il faudra compter sur les photos des appareils qui auront survecus au voyage !!
Melpi Evangelia Piyi(Greece)
Day 2: For the first dive we went down to the ‘cleaning station’ and we came across a group of at least 10 white tip sharks, hanging out in the sand and all over the place! The reefs around were full of nice colorful fish and a pair of black mantas swimming above our heads. In the evening we saw the green light of the sunset meaning good luck for the rest of our trip 🙂 What more can we ask for ?
Renaud Vincentelli, Marseille,
Plongee 6
A peine au fond, nous retrouvons un groupe de 10 requins pointes blanches en train de tourner. Pendant que nous les regardons se rapprocher de nous, une raie manta arrive. Elle est bientot rejointe par une deuxieme. Elles passent entre nous tranquillement, la plus grande fait 5 metres. Je me retourne, les mains ecartees posees sur le ventre d’une manta je nage a l’envers qqes secondes. A travers la peau je sents le coeur qui bat, sensation incroyable, probablement le meilleur souvenir de ce debut de croisiere avec la rencontre avec les requins marteaux. Ces requins sont plus gros et bien plus impressionnants que les autres rencontres jusqu’ici.
Vivement demain !

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2 replies on “We activated our tsunami action plan this morning after the earthquake in Chile. The ship halted dive operations and stayed in deep water > 200 metres until the tsunami passed through the area per the recommendation of NOAA. No discernible tsunami effect was felt or detected on the Nautilus Explorer and we have recommenced normal diving operations.. Interesting times. Guest blog following. 27 FEB 2010.”

Hello, im off to Mexico on a diving trip tomorrow… How are the waters around your area with this tsunami and erathquakes shaking things up!? Thanks!

Dear Melpi & Piyi–
Some anxious moments here on the other side of the world. Think I have peeled Melpi’s sister off the ceiling. Sounds like you all are having a wonderful time. Can’t believe you saw the green flash– amazing! So happy for you. Dive well & enjoy.

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