We are seeing at least 3 great white sharks on every dive!! I saw Bruce (the shark) again and he is huuuuuuugggggge!!!! Guadalupe Aug 2012.

Hi Ec! Nautilus Explorer is a magnificent operation with which to dive. Every dive is a thrill and we see at least 3 great white sharks on every dive and this is only day #1!!!. Visibility is good and the divemasters somehow seem to bring in the huge sharks for close-up encounters. Four cage encounters daily is hardly enough to enjoy the beauty right before your eyes. There is no description to express the power of these critters  as they pass just feet from the camera lens. This is about as close to heaven and you can get without actually being. The entire crew is phenomenal and my experience is delightful.
Wir hatten einen gemuetlichen Vormittag, unser erster Cage Dive war um 11:15 Uhr. Bevor es richtig los ging, haben wir das Blei im 2m Cage gecheckt und siehe da, das lange warten hat sich gelohnt, gleich zwei White Sharks kreisten um die Cages. Im ersten Moment kaum zu glauben das wir sie life und nicht im TV sehen. Unglaublich relaxt und langsam umkreisten sie uns. Wie schoen und elegant sie nicht sind! Der Hoehepunkt war dann unser letzter Dive um 16:15 Uhr, da kreiste einer min. 20 mal, zum streicheln nahe, um uns herum bis er sich dann doch entschieden hat den Tuna Kopf, ganz ruhig und gemuetlich, mit einem Biss von der Leine zu fressen.
Natuerlich war die Stimmung beim Anbendessen entsprechend, jeder genoss mit einem breiten grinsen das vorzuegliche Essen und ging, mit den tollen Bildern im Kopf oder Chip, bald schlafen. Wovon wir wohl alle traeumen werden???
Petra & Martin (Save our Oceans)
Guadalupe is coated in an eerie looking mist today like when the island first appears in the King Kong movie, only this island’s giants are under the sea. The shark action was thick and fast today well they were a bit reluctant to show up this morning opting instead for highspeed fly bys of the cages which was a nice change, got a real impression for the speed and prowess of these majestic animals. By lunchtime it was business as 3 large sharks in for slow peering cruises past the cages, posing for the cameras focussing on one you would turn to find his buddy grinning behind. All in another awesome day on Guadalupe, hats off to the stars of this show. the Great Whites of Guadalupe.
Das Boot ist sehr konfortabel,  die Crew ist super, der Wasser- und Snackservice  vor und nach dem Tauchgang sowie das Essen sind vorzueglich,  allerdings kommen einige (Karsten, Josef) gar nicht dazu, da sie von einem cage in den naechsten wechseln. Heute gab es bei jedem Dive ein maennliches Supermodel, das eng an den Kaefigen entlangstrich und jedem Taucher die Chance auf das ultimative Foto ermoeglichte. Wow !!! Wir sind wunschlos gluecklich!
Morgen ist der 4. Tag, besser kann es gar nicht mehr werden!
Ulrike und Ulli
I saw today a cool shark going around and around so close to the cages, even I was hanging out in the 15 feet cages was nice to see him. Is great to do again Guadalupe trips, I love the island, is so beautiful..and our guest are so pleasant to be around I want to see Bruce(Shark) didn’t see him last year!!!! He is huuuuuuge!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hostess SilviaJ
Day three started the day off right with by boys Evgeny and Grant for the first dive I don’t know if you ever noticed, but energy is contagious and Evgeny and I have enough to set the whole boat rockin!! Haaaheès got the right spirit, always wants the tuna head for bait as do i great laughs and fun but I don’t wanna write about the sharks we seen two yellowtails today also nice size too, about a meter and a half long each the yellowtail is in the jack family, looks kinda like a greater amberjack. how much would I loooove to see one of these on my day off and I was doin what I was born to do but lets talk about the yellowtails they are pelagic fish, and we know what that means they are not reef fish that hang out in one place, they are nomadic, they run around the depths of the open oceans we seen em here before, but single ones today there was two of them things together what you suppose that means??? I know somebody that‚s alllllways lookin for symbolism in the things she see
s in the oceans. two pelagic fish, probly the number one fish on our list, swimming round together. It was pretty funny cuz with two great whites swimming around the cages constantly, I had my eyes on the yellowtails bein on top of the cage where is exposed, I was thinkin how silly would it be to be eaten by a great white cuz I was checkin out the yellowtails sooooo, yellowtails pelagics nomads wanderers no home. groupers got homes, they’re reef fish and sleep in caves and holes in the reef and they dig it the most cuz it makes them safe from predators and other scarry stuff that‚s around. so, the question is, are the pelagic fish homeless???  Or can you say that the open ocean is their home???  That all the depths of the seven seas is their home?  Well, what would you rather be??  How about this, how about I tell you what you would rather be you would rather be a reef fish, and you should be a reef fish, cuz it makes the pelagic fish feel that their reef fish is nice and sa
fe can you imagine a reef fish swimming around the open oceans??  Maybe they can do it, maybe they can and maybe they like it better..does it mean that they are homeless??  I guess you just gotta let em go and do what they wanna do you can talk to em and try to convince them but in the end they gonna do what they wish and I guess yu just gotta let em go.
Tigre (divemaster)

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