12 giant mantas at Socorro Island!

Lee Smith_DSC0022
Hot tub for mantas…why not! Yes, today we arrive to San Benedicto (Socorro Island) in good weather, sunny, warm, no windy and nice vis, so we choose el boiler for diving and today was the timing to reward our dear friendly giant mantas given to them a hot tub day bubbling all of us under their belly’s! Plus, there was a manta meeting day more than 12 giant mantas swam, dancing and rolling around us without stop plus this time was also between them the dance and interaction was dream day with this giants which make me think they now is our last trip of this season so they come to say goodbye and make a lifetime show with us and featuring a cute group of dolphins like extra bonus! I been diving here 3 years and today was really unique, even in our surface times many of our guests decided to get starving because they prefer to snorkel with the mantas instead of eat, all our guest are so grateful because today was the day for them thanks to the giants of San Benedicto and your outstanding crew Nautilus!!!!!!

By Nautilus Staff

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