Rhett the great white, plus a humpback?

A fabulous second day just stroked us. Guest fully happy to fill up every single open spot at the cages, no stopping, just talking about how amazing was their day. Rhett the big male shark has been passing extremely close and circling the submersible cages repetitively for the length of 6 dives. Then I am underwater and the guests in my cage and the opposite cage, dive master and guests are completely absorbed by Rhett and I am the only one that saw it – but cant believe that behind the the other cage there is a HUMPBACK whale, gently cruising. After any sound possibly produced by me, finally all the others notice it.. this was something I would have never have expected to find in Guadalupe island. My first whale sighting underwater!
Quoi dire de cette journee… tous simplement le moment le plus beau , intense , formidable , inoubliable , incroyable que j’ai eu apres quelques 10 aine d annee passee sous l eau !!!!!!!! Voir un requin blanc completement sortir de l eau pour attraper l apat … suivie par une plonger avec 5 Geant blanc de plus de 3.5 4m de long nager a moin d 1m de la cage est tous simplement a couper le souffle … apres avoir passer 5 plonger comme celle ci la derniere que j’ai faite aujourd huit des larmes on commencer a couler tous seul de mes yeux quand j’ai croisee ma premiere Baleine a boss !!!!!!!!! !!! passer tres doucement et paisiblement entouree de quelques requin blanc … ce moment Nat Geo ne pourras jamais JAMAIS disparaitre de ma memoir …. MERCI MERCI pour cette inoubliable moment passer sous l eau avec ces creatures !!!
– Divemaster Pierrick

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